WBT-0110 Cu 언밸런스 RCA (입고중)
- 4EA 1SET 정품
- 모델 : WBT 0110 Cu
- 제조사 : WBT
- 수입원 : K1 AV(주)
- 원산지 : Germany
nextgen™ – a new generation of plug connections from WBT
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75-ohm characteristic impedance means that these plugs not only transmit superb analogue signals but also outstanding digital audio and video signals. The transmission bandwidth is 1 GHz.
Eddy currents occur in metal components close to where alternating currents flow. These currents can result in major signal distortions. The WBT-0110 Cu is designed in such a way that eddy currents do not occur at all.
The contact elements of the plug are made of high-purity copper, one of the best electrical conductors, in order to ensure optimum signal transmission. The metal is nickel-free gold-plated so that the surface does not oxidize and impair contact quality.
The clamping mechanism, which works in the same way as the chuck device in a drill, firmly clamps the outer contact against the RCA socket. The high clamping pressure not only guarantees a secure connection but also minimises transition resistance.
The clamping sleeve is designed with two sections so that the front section moves freely as the rear section is turned. This eliminates the risk of torsional strain on the contact elements. The pressure wedge between the contact and the sleeve is made of plastic, which means that the sleeve is completely insulated and cannot influence the signal. In addition, any size variation in the outer contact of a socket is compensated for, thereby ensuring a perfect fit.
The central pin is slotted and ideally formed thereby giving a firm yet elastic contact which ensures lasting and reliable electrical connection with absolutely minimal transition resistance.
The central contact element can be removed to facilitate cable soldering. WBT provides a special nextgen tool for this purpose to OEM customers. WBT recommends the surface friendly silver solder WBT-0800 (see also solder connection).
A Torx screw provides reliable cable strain relief.
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