WBT-0681 Cu 말굽단자 (입고중)
- 4EA 1SET 정품
- 모델 : WBT 0681 Cu
- 제조사 : WBT
- 수입원 : K1 AV(주)
- 원산지 : Germany
5개 재고
nextgen™ – The next generation of WBT connectors
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It was turn for the well-tried WBT Sandwich Spades to undergo their very special ‘nextgen’ update. The signal conductors (of the Cu versions) have always been built by pure copper and their construction was based already on the minimal mass principle. New thing is that the base body of the spade now represents a nearly metal-free construction to become a 100% nextgen connector. You will certainly enjoy a much more detailed and spacious sound performance of your HiFi set!
The key of the superb quality of this spade lies in the patented* Sandwich design of its contact fork: Elastomer oscillation dampers eliminate airborne noise and mechanical vibrations as well as magnetostrictions. This ensures almost total suppression of contact microphonics, and there is no interfering ancillary noise. The fracture resistance of the connection is improved at the same time. The sandwich design of the contact forks (sandwich spades) with elastomer inserted in a steel cap generates high and uniform contact pressure while minimising transition resistance. Four punched contact points on the bottom of the fork ensure precision contact. The quality of signal transmission is markedly improved, particularly with high currents or small voltages. The surface of the copper conductor is protected against oxidation by nickel-free 24 carat gold plating to underpin the low transition resistance levels in the long term.
The spade is connected to the cable by means of crimping. The two Torx screws with fine thread are making for a reliable connection with high tensile strength.
The plug elements are fully insulated and meet the CE and IEC safety requirements.
*EP patent no. 1 066 660, US patent no. 6,319,078
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