WBT-0708 Cu nextgen 바인팅포스트(입고중)
- 4EA 1SET 정품
- 모델 : WBT 0708 Cu
- 제조사 : WBT
- 수입원 : K1 AV(주)
- 원산지 : Germany
Less is more – WBT nextgen™ products are convincing proof of this.
The new WBT-0708 nextgen™ pole terminal preserve valuable resources of non-ferrous metals and conduct signals and sounds – not however, rather exactly for this reason – better than any other before them.
With the new WBT-0708 nextgen™ pole terminal, we have succeeded in offering the standard-bearing nextgen™ technology at an extremely attractive price. The new model is nextgen™ through and through and therefore provide faithful signal transfer and an authentic sound experience.
The signal conductor of the WBT-0708 nextgen™ pole terminal is restricted to as low metal mass as possible consisting of pure copper. This does not simply preserve valuable resources, but also eliminates losses in sound quality owing to the mass storage effect. This effect is unavoidable with larger metal masses and has a measurable influence on signal flow. The innovative geometry of the conductors in the nextgen™ pole terminals also prevents eddy currents effectively which can affect the purity of the signal. Eddy currents occur in the form of nonlinear distortion and cannot be corrected.
But the innovations by no means stop here. The form of the signal conductor doesn‘t just act again the mass storage effect and eddy currents, it has also been optimised over the course of complex tests and calculations so that the new nextgen™ pole terminal is significantly more resistant than conventional models to microvibrations through structureborne sound.
This means that nextgen™ pole terminals offer an unrivalled level of transfer safety and, in conjunction with the WBT-0718 nextgen™ impact sound interrupter, define the boundaries of what is technically possible.
Another innovation is the moment of force indicator integrated into the pole terminals. This provides an acoustic signal when there is sufficient contact pressure to the sandwich spades. It is a popular misconception that signal transfer is only at its optimum level if the maximum possible contact pressure is exerted on the contact surfaces. If these surfaces are pressed against each other too tightly, parts of the surfaces can be damaged beyond repair.
That being said, nextgen™ pole terminals give you a free choice as to contact pressure. Alongside the signal conductor, another decisive factors for the quality and long lifespan of the nextgen™ pole terminals is the interaction between the different materials.
In terms of robustness, nextgen™ pole terminals don‘t play second fiddle to classic metal models – in fact, they are far superior.
반품/교환 안내
반품/교환에 관한 일반적인 사항은 판매자 제시사항보다 관계법령이 우선합니다.- 반품배송비 :단순변심, 착오구매시 왕복배송비 6,000원
- 보내실 곳 :대전시 대덕구 중리남로40번길 12 1층 Comet
- 반품/교환 사유에 따른 요청 가능 기간 :
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- 판매자명 :코멧
- 상호/대표 :코멧오디오 / 류제상
- 연락처 :042-622-9949
- 응대가능시간 :평일업무시간 10:00~20:00 / 토요일 12:00~18:00 / 점심시간 13:00~14:00 / 공휴일 휴무
- 응대불가시간 :퇴근 후
- E-mail : cometaudio@hanmail.net
- 사업자등록번호 :306-02-46927
- 통신판매업번호 :2022-대전대덕-0051호
- 영업소재지 :대전시 대덕구 중리남로40번길 12 1층 Comet
거래조건에 관한 정보
- 배송방법 : 택배
- 배송기간 : 3일이내 도서/산간지역 배송 등 불가피한 사유로 2~3일 이상 차이 날 수 있습니다. 불가항력적(일시품절, 제조사 상품수급 문제 등)인 사유로 배송이 다소 늦어질 수 있습니다.
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- - 하자가 아닌 제품의 포장을 개봉하거나 훼손하였을 경우, 제품의 본질이 변경되었을 경우, 새것과 같이 판매가 불가능 할 경우 제품의 반품, 교환, 환불이 불가합니다.
- - 상품의 교환,반품 조건 및 품질보증기준 : 제품의 하자로 인한 교환 및 환불이 가능합니다. 판매자 문의 후 진행하시기 바랍니다.
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